
Fungarium by Katie Scott and Ester Gaya (Review)

Welcome to the Fungarium.

Fungi are one of the least understood organisms on Earth yet they are vital to our ecosystem. Many of us know little about fungi beyond the fact that some mushrooms can be eaten, but without fungi our lives would be very different.

Fungarium is a great introduction to the world of fungi. From mushrooms to lichens and spores, everything is here. There is so much to learn that this book can’t help but be fascinating. As the introduction explains, less than 5% of fungi are known to mankind. The rest are only known by their DNA.

Fact after fact – this is the kind of book that leaves the reader reading snippets aloud due to sheer wonder. The accompanying botanical illustrations allow the reader to study fungi visually as well as to soak in the words. My favourite part was going beneath the roots of trees and other plants to explore fungal networks. It was amazing to think of the organisms beneath my feet that I know so little about.

The book is divided into six sections: Entrance houses the introduction. Four Galleries seperate it into different subject areas. Library provudes an Index, information on the curators, and suggestions of where else to learn about fungi.

This series has always been a bit of a favourite. Beautiful illustrations and clearly explained subjects make these books a hit. Every book feels like an exclusive tour of a new exhibit. The books are produced in association with museums. Fungarium is produced in association with Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Author Ester Gaya is a senior research leader and further researchers contributed to the book.

An informative and beautiful book that introduces the world of Fungi. Another hit from the Welcome to the Museum series.

  • Fungariaum by Katie Scott and Ester Gaya is available now from Big Picture Press (in association with Royal Botanic Gardens Kew). RRP. £20.00 (Provided for review)

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