Sona Sharma is part of a great big noisy household. She’s always been the baby. Until now. Her new sibling is on the way and suddenly that is all anybody can talk about. Even worse, they all seem to want a boy. Sona is uncertain she’s up for being a sister and she’s happy to show it.
A lovely chapter book that explores the delight and upheaval caused by a new baby from a child’s perspective.
Sona is a delightful character – cheeky and curious and deeply attached to her toy elephant. She is from a large Indian family which is made lively by the regular appearance of relatives. The baby’s arrival is deeply rooted in traditions, both cultural and family ones, from the naming ceremony that will happen to the cradle that has been passed down the generations.
The story is told in chapters that are set up so strongly they can be read almost like separate adventures. This is a wonderful format for readers this age, who may read or listen to one chapter a night, or go some length of time between one chapter and another.
This is the perfect tale for younger children who are struggling to adjust to the idea of a new baby in the family. It is also a wonderful story of everyday life and celebration.
- Sona Sharma Very Best Big Sister is available now from Walker Books. RRP. £5.99 (Provided for review as part of a promotional blog tour)