
You are Positively Awesome by Stacie Swift (Review)

We are more than a sum of our bad days and daily battles. Finding our inner-survivour, our warrior, our best and most brilliant self can feel impossible when faced with what life throws at us. But guess what? We are awesome. This little book is here to remind us that self-care and positive self-talk can be the first step to regaining our foothold on the cumbersome mountain of life.

Positive affirmations, practical tips, and sparkly rainbow vibes. This little book gives you permission to step back and be kind to yourself in order to find a way forward.

As a book blogger of over three years, it is wonderful to be surprised now and then by my reaction to a title. I have been a skeptic on positive affirmations, the commercialisation of which followed the rise of social media. My decision to review this title can be summarised as a difficult period plus the current uncertainties of this world plus a fondness for pastel colours and rainbow graphics. Mild curiosity turned to appreciation on the first read. Appreciation turned to sheer crushing-weight-off-my-chest relief as I returned again and again to various pages.

Positive affirmations may be available in other places. But there’s power in seeking out kind words. I found the process mindful. Example: it was already in my head that I was out of juice and needed to refill my cup with self-care and mindfulness before I could do my best work or give. Seeking the relevant page out and seeing those words in print gave me a chance to listen to my inner-reaction. The relief and gratitude I felt told me that it was time to get into PJs and sit back for an evening. On another day I might have felt more neutral, and put more effort into my creative pursuits before turning in. I’ve found this book a valid aid to mindful reflection in a way I never expected. 

Graphics and short paragraphs of text are used to promote self-kindness and confidence. Short activities encourage the reader to think for themselves about how to take agency in difficult situations and times. Examples include:

  • mindmaps of what we can’t control and what we can control
  • speech bubbles to practice kind self-talk
  • spaces to record our own acts of kindness and achievements
  •  gratitude logs

The book is sized perfectly to fit a bag or sit on a bedside table, so it can be kept near to hand. Affirmation that we are valuable, that our thoughts and bouondaries matter, and that we have some level of choice will reassure may readers through everyday situations and during more difficult times. A perfect, positive response to a difficult world. 

  • You are Positively Awesome by Stacie Swift is available now from Pavillion Books (RRP. £12.99)

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