About the book: Postcards from Valhalla is a YA fantasy cum ghost story set in the Shetland Islands. It centres around Viggo, whose father went missing in Shetland in pursuit of all things Norse mythological. When Viggo's elder brother Magnus ...
Gwen & Art Are Not In Love by Lex Croucher
Arther and Guinevere lived centuries ago, but Camelot is still the centre of England. Well, so some people believe. The King is trying to please both cultists - who believe all the magic in the original stories was real - and Catholics by centring co ...
Review: This Book Kills by Ravena Guron
Jess Choudhary isn't thrilled to be paired with fellow scholarship girl Summer for her gifted and talented project, but together they write a passable murder mystery. Then Heybuckle's poster boy Hugh Henry Von Boren is killed in exactly the same way ...