
Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield

In the midst of the rain, rainbows can be hard to see.

A girl sets out on a journey with a fox. The world is dark and rainy, and there are mountains to climb and dark nights to navigate. Thunderous storms shake their boat as they cross the water. However, for all that they are shaken about and rained upon, their voyage is worth it because when day breaks they find new friends and new places. The world is full of magical and beautiful things. Together, they watch the rainbow.

This voyage, which is illustrated beautifully, is accompanied by a rhyming text that reassures and comforts the reader. It is not difficult to see why this book is so popular. The COVID-19 pandemic, and recent political events across the world, are frightening enough for adults. Children are not immune to this panic – in fact, they may feel helpless and upset at their inability to change things. Rain Before Rainbows doesn’t once refer to these events. Instead, it reassures the reader that for every terrible thing to hit our lives, there will always come a dawn when we feel the world’s joys again.

The short, simple affirmations in the text make it a book that can be read over and over again. It is like a cross between a traditional picture book and an illustrated affirmations book like The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. What I love about Rain Before Rainbows is the narrative: we want to know from the start whether the girl and her fox will find their destination as they set off into the dark night.

Litchfield’s illustrations tell the story beautifully. He not only shows the journey the girl and her fox take, but the changes in atmospheric conditions. His rain and mist appear to be blown in by a terrible wind. His storm-struck waves take on a beastly life of their own as they toss the girl’s boat. His dawn rises with many colours in the sky, and these are reflected in the newly-calmed water. Litchfield always does light and weather to perfection, and the relationship between artwork and text makes this book an absolute treasure.

Rain Before Rainbows offers a timeless message of hope in new tomorrows. The metaphor of the journey will resonate with anybody who feels blown about by life’s storms. This book is a gem.

  • Rain Before Rainbows is available now in paperback, priced £7.99, from Walker Books Ltd (Provided for review)

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